

Skylights are a lovely alternative to windows when space or privacy are an issue. Opening skylights, for example, can give light and ventilation in adapted Attic areas where windows are not suitable, in an otherwise gloomy and unclean room.

Skylights have also been utilized to cut heating, cooling, and lighting expenditures within a structure to varied degrees of efficiency in recent years. If properly configured, they can eliminate the requirement for artificial lighting to illuminate a space as well as mechanical heating expenses by providing a source of solar heat for a room.

The VCM skylight is a low-cost option for natural ventilation on flat rooftops. The pre-installed Insect Screen keeps mosquitoes at bay and allows heat to escape.

In the usual residential installation, vinyl curb mount (VCM / OVCM) is utilized for skylights smaller than 5′ × 5′ and larger models thermally fractured metal curb mount (ATCM). In most commercial installations, the aluminum broken outside (AOF) skylight is employed.


The skylight of the XXX pyramid is the perfect choice to make use of the natural lighting gift in your home. Every structure is designed to create an atmosphere of beauty and design with the A Star Pyramid skylight. Rooms offer natural light in cost and energy efficiency away from the outside walls.

Over the past few years, skylights have also been used to reduce heating, cooling, and lighting costs within a structure to varying degrees of efficiency. If correctly specified, they can lessen the need for artificial lighting to light up space and can also help to reduce mechanical heating costs by providing a source of solar heat for a room.

Vinyl Curb Mount (VCM / OVCM) is used in the typical residential application for skylights less than 5′ x 5′ and, for larger models, thermally fractured aluminum curb mount (ATCM). The aluminum broke outside (AOF) skylight is typically used in commercial applications.

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